May 14, 2008 - We are now on Facebook. Become a Fan. Also, we are working on songs for a 4-song 12" to be released in the fall, as well as songs for our next full-length we hope to have out in February. Keep thine ears open. April 11, 2008 - I've been lax in updates. Our tour with An Albatross was psychologically long though temporally short. Luckily, we couldn't have asked to be stuck in a time-distortion-field with a nicer bunch of folk: Thanks to Eddie, Jay, Phil, Steve, Daniel, Jimmy & Nicole for being our surrogate family. Thanks also to our many hosts: Jason Amoeba Men; Mike B and Sara for the what, fifth time?; Hank and Adam (delicious food, too); Pierre; Brian & Laura; Adam K & Eric once again; Matt, Jason & Meggy; Forester again; Lori; Jamie & Julie; Jimmy; and Carolyn, Sam & the rest of their housemates. Photos are up now, with more on the way; show archive is up-to-date; Amanda's blog almost made it to the end (for the finale, check Myspace. New shows booked with more to follow this summer. Possibly new songs. Possibly new videos. March 4, 2008 - DC record release show was a great time. Check out some photos here and here, and write-ups here and here. A few more SxSW shows have been added. It's a chaotic time, so check back for more updates to be safe. February 27, 2008 - Tour = over. Fun = had. I think we stayed in more great places this time than any other. The hardwood floor for a bed was mysteriously (and unlamentedly) lacking this time out. Hospitality was in generous supply: Thanks to Daniel; Bianca; Greg; Andy (x2); Neil & Annick; Keith Lendway; Kyle; Guy; Evan; and ever-gracious Gene Mullet. DC record release this Friday. Be there. The rumor is that Ghost Games vinyl will be available. Want to remix an Apes song? Enter our remix contest. The best remix of "Beat of the Double" will grace the B-side of a very limited 7" put out by Gypsy Eyes. February 20, 2008 - Ghost Games is out. For real, this time. Buy it from Gypsy Eyes. It's official: It's our best album ever. Tour is coming along nicely. New songs are going over well. Aside from freezing our various body parts off, it is a good time. Read about it. Pictures and hopefully video to follow. February 12, 2008 - ....aaaand we're off. A perhaps ill-advised tour in the bitter northeast in the middle of February. Temperatures along most of the route are in the 20s with windchills in the -20s. But we've got some new songs and new outfits. Read all about the fun we have in Amanda's ongoing blog. February 04, 2008 - Ghost Games is here (sort of)! For this week only, you can buy Ghost Games exclusively from us two weeks before it's available in stores (official release date is Feb 19). Yes, the first Apes full-length since 2005 can finally be yours. CD only for now, vinyl coming very soon. After Friday, you will have to wait until February 19th to buy it from our label, Gypsy Eyes Records, or of course you can buy it directly from us on our tour that starts February 12. Read what the word on the street is about our first album with Lucius Twilight. Oh, but that's not all. We also have new t-shirts available. A delightful design by Majestic Ape captures us four Apes in all our glory. Wear us proudly on your chest and keep Apes close to your heart. Then: Get a preview of our upcoming tour by watching our latest video -- a live performance of "Green Grease" shot a couple months ago. And last: Go on a virtual tour of DC with Jackie Magik himself as your guide. January 11, 2008 - The year is new. The time is now. The shows are coming together. Still trying to figure out how/when to go West. December 14, 2007 - 'Tis the season for all kinds of good stuff. First: Warm your cockles at our fire with The Neutered Noel, a new video. Then: Thrill to the body-snatching excitement of Luke Wyatt's video for Beat of the Double. And, finally, check out our first batch of new tourdates. More shows to be announced soon (for March and April). More videos to come as well, starting with a live one next Friday. November 7, 2007 - The Doctor (Watcher) IS IN (the video section). October 04 2007 - Apes are busy breaking all kinds of new Ape ground. Ghost Games will be released on DC's Gypsy Eyes -- only the second time we've ever worked with a local label (the first being 2000's Street Warz on Planaria). The record will be out in February, and it will be our first full-length since 2001's The Fugue in the Fog to be released on vinyl in addition to CD. We're excited. Ape artists are hard at work right now designing the artwork for the vinyl version, which will be completely different from the CD artwork. We are working on a video for Ghost Games, for the song "Eternal Watcher". This will be the first video we've done ourselves and only our second ever. We intend to make many more. Two of our friends are simultaneously working on videos for two other songs, including Beat of the Double. We will also be hitting the road sporadically throughout the rest of the year, starting next week. As always, check the Shows page frequently for the latest dates. May 15 2007 - Ghost Games is finished and will be mastered soon. We will be selling the tracks as downloads here and on our MySpace page as soon as they're ready, so our Apefans will not have to wait months for manufacturing and distribution and all that. DiY or die, baby. In other news, we have a few shows coming up with such luminaries as Lightning Bolt and DMBQ. Hopefully we'll have some new t-shirts ready in time for some of them. March 24 2007 - Back again. SxSW and the attendant tour was a good time for all, aside from the massive expenses racked up due to continually breaking drum hardware. SxSW was, as usual, a bleary, chaotic four days that left us sore and weeping. For full details, read Amanda's tour diary, which, amazingly, is already finished. Many, many thanks to Michelle Panache (who put on the best showcase at SxSW, and not just because we were a part of it); Monotonix; Adam and Eric for hosting us for four straight days; Darren Snagglepuss & Joy; Kevin Guthrie (even if he did slip off into the night without saying goodbye); Mom Brunson; Alec; Jonah; Fred Weaver; Jonathan Purvis; Jason and Art Garage; and Meg & Matt for testing their fortitude with three Apes shows in four days (being challenged for most loyal fan by Lee, who drove from Jackson MS to see us in Birmingham). New photos are up from the tour, with possibly more on the way. As always, if you have any photos or video, please send them on to March 10 2007 - Mere moments from hitting the road for SxSW, we give you some new tourdates and a taste from our upcoming album, Ghost Games. February 1 2007 - A new year, a new live video, and new tourdates. Eat it. November 28 2006 - Our time with The Slits at an end, and our subsequent 25-hour drive home from Austin behind us, we now enjoy tryptophan-laced relaxation at home. Huge thanks to the Slits, of course, as well as Michelle Panache, Jen Shellshag and above-and-beyond-the-call-of-duty promoters/hosts Jason at Art Garage (along with Susie at El Burrito) and Brian at Bottletree. Photos and live video coming this week (and if you usually skip the front page of this site, you've missed this awesome photo.) Thanks to our hosts this time around: Bianca and Parker; Pilar; Dave & Fran; Tim & Sandra; Eric & Josh at The Brothers Studio; Russell; V & Mom Brunson; Brian & Merilee; Carly; and Adam & Eric. I find myself having to eat my words -- Amanda has, in fact, diligently chronicled our adventures this time out. Read about the tour and the delightful process of recording our new album in the Brothers Studio in her blog, and be sure to comment. October 28 2006 - Unfortunately, the Canada shows were cancelled. Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to them. October 27 2006 - Wonder of wonders, Amanda seems to be sticking to her tour diary this time out. Read about our adventures with The Slits here. Sept 28 2006 - Our shows this weekend with Ex Models have been cancelled. Sorry about that. July 01 2006 - Done and done. Lucius Twilight made it through his first tour -- and Apes' longest tour to date -- with flying colors and a newfound appreciation for Doritos and the Burger King dollar menu. Deepest thanks to Angus, Aaron, and Julian from Liars (some of you may even have Tour CDs drawn by Julian), and to the ever-awesome Paul Drake. Much gratitude also to Karine and Jeremy, the soon-to-be-huge Deerhunter, and the frighteningly heavy Rabbits. Also, naturally, massive boluses of appreciation to everyone who helped us out with places to stay. Jeremy of Orwellian Math Project, Kevin of The Tanks, Sonia, Tao, Russell, Mom Brunson, Zakk, Carly, Adam K & Eric, Chris & James, Matt & Hanna, Theo & Vanessa, Jonathan & Cathleen, Eli, Andy & Marov, Jenny & Caitlin, Josh & Todd, Erik & Anthippy, Garrett & Lily, Jordan, Forester, Evan & Maggie, Frank & Kyle, Steven "Twitch", Neil & Annick and Andy T.O.L. For those who missed the boat, we've got the Tour CD up now in our store, featuring five of the seven new songs we were playing on the tour, with hand-drawn sleeves by Erick. We also have a new t-shirt. Finally, we've got new photos up, and in the coming week we'll put up one more new song not on the CD (though if you were at any of the shows, you heard it). June 19 2006 - 31 shows down, eight to go. We added a few photos from our show in Pomona, taken by Ben Benson. When we get home next week, we're going to add the five-song tour CD and our new t-shirts to the store for those who didn't catch us this time around (or didn't have the money on them at the time). We'll also put up an mp3 of a song we've been playing at the shows that didn't make the disc. May 24 2006 - Greetings from the road. After our second bout with van trouble in 6 days, we are currently flying down the road toward Baton Rouge. For those who wept and pulled their hair out because they couldn't satisfactorily sing along with our Tour CD, Lucius Twilight has typed up the lyrics for your reading (and singing) pleasure. While Amanda works on her tour diary/blog (and as usual, I emphasize "supposedly"), you can also read capsule summaries of how the shows are going in our show archive. May 16 2005 - Philadelphia show cancelled. We've never had a good show in Philly (well, the Tritone show was pretty fun) and apparently never will. May 15 2006 - On the eve of the eve of our summer tour, we bring you the gift of a new song. Mr. Fairer is the first song from our new CD-R we will be selling on this tour (each with sleeves hand-illustrated by Apes). For the web faithful, we will be posting another new song that will not be on the CD-R sometime in the coming days. April 20 2006 - We've got a brand new singer, a set of all-brand-new songs, and we've got almost 40 shows booked for May-June. Please allow yourself ample time for your regimen of vitamins and weightlifting to take effect before attempting to withstand us.
![]() Midnight Unfortunately, this means we will be cancelling our SxSW tour. But dry your tears -- in May we will be embarking on our biggest tour ever, a 35-day assault on America (and some parts of Canada) with Liars. February 22 2006 - We have had to pull out of our show Friday in Pittsburgh. Luckily, Midnite Snake has promised to rock twice as hard to make up for our absence. February 14 2006 - It's a day of love. How can Apes prove their love to you? By giving you a giant virtual box of chocolates, of course, with each chocolate being a new tourdate. Check 'em out. That's a lot of chocolates. Don't get sick, now. January 31 2006 - Apes are delighted to announce we are now being booked by Michelle Cable of Panache Magazine/Booking. Michelle is more dedicated to supporting cool music than anyone you'll meet and we're psyched to be working with her. Also: For those of you that wanted vinyl on our last tour, we've still got some left in our store -- we have a few copies left of the Street Warz 10" picture disc, Fugue in the Fog, and the Apes/Modey Lemon split single. January 24 2006 - Check out some nice photos from our recent show at Southpaw (NY), taken by Semyon. January 4 2006 - Added a few more photos and a New York show. Amanda has, as expected, ceased progress on her blog; feel free to email her and crack the whip. December 24 2005 - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all from Apes. Speaking of the New Year, we have been assured by Blonde Black Ape that 2007 will be the year of Apes; so, only one more year to go. Get on the train now. The December tour was like a two and a half week slumber party with Modey Lemon, minus the pillow fights. Thanks as always to everyone who came out. I think we met more cool people on this tour than any other, which is saying something. Thanks to our hosts: Kemp, Blake & the rest of PS211; Nicki & Ken; Brendan (who also set up a great show for us on one day's notice); Emily, Vanessa & Shara; Robbie; Mike B & Sarah; Forrester; Dave; Evan & Maggie. Thanks also to (a different) Emily for getting us in to Busch Gardens, Zach for taking us to a cool quarry, and Gene Mullet & his posse for trekking out to Detroit for the show. We've got two year's end shows coming up. What better way to close out 2005 than with your friends the Apes? We've also got a new mp3 and a new live video (featuring Midnight Joe pre-broken foot) up. And in the interest of getting rid of all our current t-shirts so we can make cool new ones, t-shirts are marked down through the end of January in our store. And, lastly, Amanda has written the first of supposedly several new blog entries. Don't say we never gave you anything. November 24 2005 - Leg one: Complete. Leg two: To follow. Pictures are now posted along with the show-by-show details. Amanda is supposedly working on her tour diary, but by now you probably know how that goes. Thanks to Gene Mullet; Pat; Tovah; Nick Flanagan; Rob; Pat, Anthony and Ron; Julie; Spooky, and Brian. So, the Northeast has been conquered; we turn our laser gaze now to the south. New tourdates up now. You will notice that we are missing a few dates. If you can help us (and tourmates Modey Lemon fill the December 4, 6, and 7 dates -- whether it's with a club that has openings or a house party or whatever -- let us know. Any help will be greatly appreciated. November 9 2005 - You may have heard of the horrible accident involving DMBQ, rock gods from Japan. Their van was in a crash and drummer Mana "China" Nishiura was killed, and our friend Michelle Cable (of Panache Magazine & Booking), who was traveling with the band, was seriously injured. We had just played with DMBQ for the first time a few days before the accident and were completely blown away by their energy, musicianship, and stage presence. China will be missed. There will most likely be some benefits to try and help cover medical expenses for Michelle and the band (all of whom were injured to some degree). Watch Panache and Pitchfork for more news.
![]() Count 101 With best wishes both given and received, we remaining three Apes have looked for, and found, that fourth to accompany us on a pair of tours to round out the year. We will be heading north for two weeks in November with Modey Lemon, and then turn south for two weeks in December, again with fairest Modey. Do join us. July 8 2005 - 24 days and 22 shows later, Apes arrive home. This tour was mostly a success; all but one of the shows were good (sorry, Dayton) and many were fantastic (thanks, Fargo, Salt Lake City and San Francisco in particular). We played with some amazing bands (Bobby Conn & the Glass Gypsies, Baby Teeth, Gris Gris, etc). Our van has a shiny new radiator and a sporadically functioning taillight, and we all have new bruises and scars. Mission accomplished. Amanda will presumably bring the Ape Blog up to date shortly with all the thrilling tour stories. People on tour keep getting nicer. We stayed in more clean, quiet homes than ever before. Thanks to Tovah; Sean Atmosphere; Michelle Panache; Matthew Birdman; David; Mark; Jamie Stag Party; Stephanie; Pat, Kim, Fish & Scott; Sean & Dan; Matt; Erik Alta May/Press Corps & Anthippy; Josh Rabbits; Gamble; Tim, Cory & Carlie; Clayton; Sara T. & Alisa; Cy & Sarah; David & Kristy at the Ranch; Laura; and Mike B. |
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Apes at MySpace LAST UPDATES Shows: Oct 3 2008 Pics: Apr 11 2008 Press:Apr 11 2008 Video: Feb 04 2008 Store: Feb 04 2008 Audio: Mar 10 2007 Misc: May 24 2006 Bio: May 12 2006 483 shows archived 507 pictures 18 audio files 14 video files 84 pages of stories This site looks best in the Firefox browser |